Just Checkin’

Just one year ago… Things change so fast!
Ava has her 18 month Check Up this morning!
Here are the stats:
Height: 32 1/4 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 23.6 (35th percentile)
Head:19 inches (75th percentile)

Our Big Girl is getting so big! We asked Dr. Koil about her snoring… just allergies he said. Ava’s currently on her second round of Goat’s Milk. She’s tried Cow’s Milk twice now- once at a year and once again after a few months and has continued to get a little rash with it. So we are re-introducing it each month to see if the symptoms go away. She was slightly more friendly to the doctor and nurses this time and only cried half the time- a vast improvement! She got 2 shots and will only have to get 1 more at her 2 year visit in order to complete her vaccines until she’s 4! Kurt and I are so glad we decided to take the vaccinations at a slower pace and we can’t believe that we’ve finally reached the end! Some talk about potty training- Doc thought it was pretty hilarious that I actually love diapers and am sad to see them go- not really looking forward to finding a potty at every store/ restaurant/ park in Albuquerque- and it means our baby isn’t a baby anymore! Though I love our doctor I am glad we get to start going less often for visits- it is so stressful for Ava which means CRYING and CLINGING and as a result means a lot of sweating for me…which is just embarrassing!

Boo for shots!

“So Big!”