Here We Go…

I don’t know why the idea of starting a Blog was so overwhelming! I suppose it’s the same for most new things in our lives, overwhelming in thought- not so bad once you dive in. However, starting a blog is a choice (one I have chosen to throw to the back burner for many months now) and learning how to say- cook dinner, feed a crying baby and chat with your husband about his day at work just sort of happens to you. This concept can pretty much sum up our past year and a half. Stuff happened to us and we just figured out how to deal with it moment by moment. It’s been interesting, crazy and So Wonderful! Turns out- I love life this way! You HAVE to let go of so much planning and controlling and just live (sometimes just survive) one day at a time. When people say a baby changes everything they aren’t kidding! So, back to the overwhelming… As it turns out, the whole blog thing was so overwhelming (why? I don’t really know- I think it has something to do with procrastinating- a technique borrowed from my school days) that it took us (me) 18 months to get on board with the idea… so much for documenting Miss Ava’s every waking moment! I guess 18 months feels like a significant age marker for her and a perfect jumping off point for me- so here we go!