What Would Brian Boitano Make?

Hello Blogworld . . . this is Kurt again! So, Asper Kourt’s network television debut will be airing this coming Sunday (May 2nd) at 11:00a.m. MST on The Food Network’s ‘What Would Brian Boitano Make?’. If you’ve never seen the show, it’s pretty entertaining. It seems that sometimes cooking is a secondary thought to the ‘adventures’ that Brian goes on (like his nephew’s band crashing at his ‘pad’ . . . :-D) but the recipes he cooked for our show were very good so you should give them a try! Here is a snip-its from his section of The Food Network website with a description of our episode.  Also, Asper Kourt made the video at the top . . . it’s a good recap of what we did over that weekend in San Fran and has some spoilers in it . . .

Don’t forget to tune in this coming Sunday at 11:00a.m. to The Food Network!!! (Ch. 69 for all you Comcast-er’s)