June 1, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday to our GIRL!

Noelle Bryce

June 1, 2010 at 7:11 p.m.

7 pounds 20 inches

And what a wonderfully blessed day it was!  We are so truly thankful for every prayer said in preparation for the birth of our sweet girl! Boy, were they answered… ABUNDANTLY!  After Ava’s birth experience (a 40 hour labor, a posterior baby, 3+ hours of pushing and a vacuum delivery), it is safe to say we were slightly traumatized and had a few nerves as we prepared to go through it again.  In the end we decided to be open to anything that would help us along and to just pray, pray, pray!

God took good care of us.  From the time my water broke at 8:00 a.m., we had an 11 hour labor!  The baby was in the correct position, we had a great midwife and 2 nurses who were there from beginning to end, a wonderful anesthesiologist (who is officially my new best friend – not only for the stellar epidural he placed in my back, but afterward he called me a “skinny girl”- even though he probably says that to all the girls, I couldn’t even help the grin that spread across my face- haha!), I pushed for 26 minutes, heard “it’s a girl!” from Kurt, and got to hold little Noelle the minute she was born!  I bawled my eyes out from the last few pushes on… not from ANY pain but from shear shock and joy that this was our birth story and how perfect it was!

Just got checked in- no contractions yet (obviously) but getting ready for our hour long walking tour of ABQ Health Partners Womens Hospital!

Taking a break from watching the Food Network to grab a picture (I think Kurt just woke up from his nap) 🙂

Our first family of 4 picture!

The first of MANY MANY smooches!  Ava is totally in love with “our new baby”!


Our little Ellie in her going home outfit!

She is just so cute… we can’t seem to get enough of her!

Baby Sorenson Update: 36 weeks!

Weight: 22 pounds to date

Blood Pressure: 86/60

Fundal Height: 36 cm

Baby’s Heart Rate: 140’s

Pelvic Exam: -1 Station, 3 centimeters dilated, 60% effaced

Our midwife said she can’t imagine that we’ll be making it to our June 20th due date… though I know she can’t possibly know for sure, I am clinging to this statement with everything I have:-)

Cutie Little Ava Girl

Well, whether our baby is on the way out or we still have 3+ more weeks, the appointment today gave me the little boost I needed!  It changes everything to know that the constant back pain, the waking every hour at night to pee and the general body discomfort is doing something to get this baby out!  Yay!  Praying for a healthy and prompt arrival for Baby S!

30 Weeks DOWN!

Can’t believe it’s already been thirty weeks!  This is a pregnancy milestone I’ve been pushing for since day one and I’m finding it hard to believe that it’s come and gone…It really does feel like we’re in the home stretch now and that before we know it we will be driving home with our new baby!  At our 30 week midwife appointment this week we learned that I passed the glucose test with flying colors (!)-no gestational diabetes here… that my iron levels are low (I’ve eaten 3 hamburgers since… not sure if that’s exactly what they meant by “fortify your diet with iron rich foods”), I’ve gained a little over 18 pounds (Kurt’s gained a little over 15…so in our “biggest gainer” contest looks like I’m still in the lead!), Baby S’s heart rate is holding steady in the 140’s and I”m measuring right at 30 weeks with another ‘sunny side up’ baby (hopefully that little sweetie will find comfort in the correct birthing position in the coming weeks)!

My mom also threw me a beautiful baby shower this week!  What a wonderful way to make a grumpy, uncomfortable mom feel so loved!  It was a fun evening of friends and family, games, great food and wonderfully generous gifts!  It was a night that made it all too real that we really have a tiny little baby on the way SOON!  We are getting so excited for it all but mostly to put to rest the constant debate over whether the baby is a HE or a SHE!!!

Baby Sorenson Update: 25 weeks!

Twenty five weeks down!  It finally feels like the end is in sight and not a moment too soon!  Besides feeling like going into hibernation at very frequent intervals during the day I feel great!  Really healthy, hungry, definitely growing huge amounts weekly and SO looking forward to meeting our new baby!  Doc appointment last week was the best yet- we got another ultrasound and it was awesome!  I definitely had a “moment’… I really felt like I got to see our baby.  It warmed my heart to see his/her little profile, chubby face and feet kicking around.  I found myself thinking about our little one and smiling often in the following days 🙂  Everything at the appointment checked out right on track which is always so reassuring!  To date I’ve gained 12 pounds, my stomach is measuring right at 24 weeks (or a little bigger!) and the baby’s heartbeat is holding steady right around 144 bpm. Kurt and I are still totally in the dark about the sex of baby S but the amount of people on Team Baby Boy is growing by the day!  If this one’s a little girl- there will be A LOT of surprised folks!